Guest Book

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John P Earlenbaugh
Posted on the 2022-09-01 at 20:00
Was just looking around, and left a Tribute to a beloved classmate. Denise F
Linda Blume
Posted on the 2021-04-17 at 20:00
Class of 75. The website looks great. Hope to make it in October!
Karen Doty Horstman
Posted on the 2018-03-23 at 20:00
Greetings from Raytown!
Denise (Sabatino) Kirk
Posted on the 2018-01-31 at 19:00
Hello SMNW Alumn.  I live in Overland Park, KS.  Happily married since 1981.  Have one daughter and 2 grand daughters.  Unfortunately I don't remember too many people from high school, so haven't attended any reunions.  Can't believe it's been so long ago. 
Sandy Baehr Foley
Posted on the 2016-10-25 at 20:00
Just stopped by to say hello to everyone. Life does still go on and I try and enjoy every bit of it with my family and friends. It\'s so good to see a lot of my friends from school and from Shawnee.
Martha Sandnes (Armstrong)
Posted on the 2016-08-12 at 20:00
OOPS! We thought it was THIS weekend...SORRY we missed it!
Victor Franklin
Posted on the 2016-08-05 at 20:00
It was great seeing some familiar faces at Twisters last night. I went to Merriam grade school, Hocker Grove, and attended SMNW my Sophomore year and moved to Olathe for my Junior and Senior years.  I currently live in Shawnee.  I will try and make the formal part of the reunion next time.
Jenene Lawrence Howland
Posted on the 2016-07-31 at 20:00
How I would enjoy catching up with friends from days past.  I live in the Little Rock Arkansas area with my husband of 36 years.  We have three kids and almost 3 grands.  The next one to join our family is due any day now so we will have to pass on traveling to this reunion.  I haven't been able to attend since our twentieth reunion.  It was fun to catch up then and would be a great memory test for me now.   Enjoy!  What fun it would be to run in to friends from my past.   
Deb (Debbie Davis) Slater
Posted on the 2016-07-28 at 20:00
I actually graduated in February of 1976 and I got married on May 22nd. Our graduation ceremony was on May 26th, so I was married before I went through graduation. We celebrated our 40th Wedding Anniversary this year. My husband and I had two children and now have 3 grandchildren and 1 more on the way. We have been blessed. I have lived at various locations over the last 40 years, but I have remained in Johnson County, KS. 

It's exactly 1 week until our 40th Cougar Reunion begins.
I am so excited to see everyone!
Paul Ghilino
Posted on the 2016-07-09 at 20:00
See a lot of familiar names on the RSVP list.  Looks like I better get there!

I live so far away.  After 40 years I made it about 10 miles from my old home.  Now live in Lenexa KS.
John P. Earlenbaugh
Posted on the 2016-06-28 at 20:00
Hello fellow classmates! My wife Sharon and I attended the 30th reunion and had a blast! I'd like to  encourage those that couldn't make it to the last reunion to consider how much fun your going to have that weekend!  We're not getting any younger, so let's make this reunion the biggest gathering of 1976 Cougars yet! At the 30th we re-connected with many old friends, and met some I had never known when attending SMNW. As a facilities director I travel a lot, but I'm going to make sure that I'm in town that weekend for sure. Wouldn't miss it for the world! Peace, love, and soul!  Respectfully, John P. Earlenbaugh         P. S I'd like to thank those hard working Ladies for making this possible!                         
Mike Stein
Posted on the 2016-06-26 at 20:00
Hi. This is Mike Stein, you have me down on the list as Mark. I would like to be kept informed about special things. I live in Phoenix AZ.  I may be coming back for the reunion, not sure yet.  Thank you.  Mike
Carl Peterson
Posted on the 2016-06-26 at 20:00
Thinking about coming to the reunion since I have missed the last one. Living in Minnesota since graduating from Kansas State University, married with 3 children, 2 grandchildren. Work for an organization out of NYC.
Rick Horton
Posted on the 2016-06-12 at 20:00
Look forward to seeing old friends!
Sharon Haynes
Posted on the 2016-06-06 at 20:00
I am living in San Jose, CA.  My Mom is still in Shawnee.  It's been a long, long, time.  I still think we had the best music and a Great Class.  I have memories I still treasure of some very Cool People.    Peace Always, Sharie Haynes
Mike Terrill
Posted on the 2016-05-28 at 20:00
Living in St. Louis area with my wife Charlotte.  Looking forward to the class reunion.
Joe Williams
Posted on the 2016-05-01 at 20:00
I'm still in Houston, Texas where I moved in 1974 but 1976 SMNW will always be my graduating class.  Attending Merriam Grade School, Hocker Grove, and my sophomore year at SMNW should qualify me as an honorary class graduate.  Changing jobs soon and moving to Tyler, Texas so I'm getting closer to KC.  Can't wait to see ya'll again.
Roger Keeler
Posted on the 2016-02-07 at 19:00
Its been fun serving on the reunion committee. It is great to hear from so many. I hope everyone can make the event. I wasn't envolved in school activities too much. I didnt know very many of you. I hope to change that.
Steve Kiriakos
Posted on the 2016-01-16 at 19:00
Just checking in and signing the guest book.    For anybody who is wondering where I have been . . .  Well,  I have been in prison for the last 20 years (how was I supposed to know she was only 16?)  Yes, it was suppose to be 30 years (after all, her father was the judge), but they let me out on good behavior.  My probation officer says I'm approved to attend the reunion in August, but I'm not allowed to come within 200 yards of the school property.  But, after 20 years in the slammer it'll be good to see everybody.   Just kidding,  I've been living in beautiful Elberton, Gerogia in retirement mode since 2000 with my lovely bride, Ms. Amanda. Can't wait to catch up with everybody at the reunion!...   See ya there..!! Partners in crime, Steve & Ms. Amanda Kiriakos
Bill Moore
Posted on the 2016-01-08 at 19:00
Living in Olathe, KS.
Greg Frederick
Posted on the 2015-11-27 at 19:00
I hope I can make it to the reunion.  I do not yet know the start date for our semester next year. It will be great to reconnect and hear all that has happened in your lives.  If you are on FB you can reconnect with me there in advance: Looking forward to seeing you again soon!  Greg
Andy Mohn
Posted on the 2015-10-05 at 20:00
Once a Cougar, always a Cougar.  Can't wait to reunite.
Kelley Harlow Harville
Posted on the 2015-09-13 at 20:00
Hi All, I didn't graduate from smnw as we moved to Indiana my Junior year. I went to school at trailridge with so many of you and my sophmore year at smnw. can't wait to see those I haven't seen over the last couple of years since we've been getting together. If you all need help, let me know.
Linda Blume
Posted on the 2015-09-12 at 20:00
I am from the class of 1975 and helped organize our 40 year reunion this year.  I wish the class of 76 the best in planning and having a reunion!  I hope you all have a blast!
Cindy Wright - Follmer
Posted on the 2015-09-11 at 20:00
Would love to reconnect!
Joyce \Eisman\ Caffey
Posted on the 2015-09-02 at 20:00
As most of you know Kelley "Harlow" Harville and I started SMNW friends for life and have had many get togethers.  It will be nice to see those that live far away and couldn't make it to any of them.  
Mary G Flemming (Livingood)
Posted on the 2015-09-01 at 20:00
Haven't been to a reunion yet.  I would really like to come to our 40th!  Hope to see everyone there!
Renee Wilson
Posted on the 2015-08-29 at 20:00
As 1976 becomes even more distant, the memories of classmates and relationships become more precious. A nostalgic and important part of who we are.  Help spread the word for the 40th Reunion. An impressive SHOUT-OUT to the committee's amazing input, and talented committee members planning the 40 year Reunion. 
Keith F. Reyes
Posted on the 2015-08-28 at 20:00
Hi fellow Cougars. Wow 40 yrs can\'t wait to see a lot of my class mates. I left at 18 to join the United States Navy haven\'t been back to Kansas since 1981 sooo it will quite the shock I\'m sure. I\'m one of your committee members so please drop me a line. All take care.. Keith F. Reyes USN (DV/SWCC/SERE) Ret. Hoo Yah its a Navy Diver thing !!
Cindy Wright-Follmer
Posted on the 2015-08-28 at 20:00
Am excited to be involved with the Committee on this Reunion!  I think we're going to have a wonderful time getting together.